Top 3 Kitchen Appliances Worth the Counter Space
We're constantly bombarded with new kitchen appliances. You need an Instant Pot. You're not a real cook without a Vitamix. How could you not have XYZ kitchen gadget?? Unfortunately, cooking fads are just as prevalent as anything else. We don't always think of them as being as cliquey and pervasive as things like fashion where the new hit shoe or leggings or whatever the in Vogue item is this season. But the same thing happens with kitchen gadgets.
How many people do you know who have countless number of gadgets, appliances, and fancy kitchen utensils taking up space on the countertop?
I cook every day. I post at least 2 recipes that I've made just in my real life on this blog every single week. And yet, I have an entire section of my closet filled with, "Am I every going to actually use this again...?" culinary section of my bedroom closet! Not to mention all of the stuff that I have 2,000 miles away in storage!
Do I really need these?
Do you really need these?
Does anyone really need these??
Perhaps not.
This is a list of my top 5 kitchen appliances that I actually use and am oftentimes found recommending other people to buy. I also have an entire article on the Top 5 Overrated Kitchen Gadgets NOT Worth Buying.
This Top 3 Kitchen Appliances Article is NOT Sponsored
This article is not sponsored. I take no income whatsoever from this blog. It's merely a hobby that I started in quarantine during the pandemic. That means that these truly are just kitchen appliances that I own and genuinely use. You will see me refer frequently to them in recipes and this article simply goes to show what I recommend.
Anyone reading this should absolutely shouldn't go out and buy every appliance here! I firmly believe that cooking doesn't have to be expensive and you don't need these gadgets to make most meals. There are almost always other methods that you can use, instead of going out and buying another bulky and oftentimes expensive appliance!
But, if you're looking to buy something and are wondering if it's right for you or as a gift for someone else? This is a great place to start.

1. Air Fryer
I have worked in kitchens for about 15 years now. And every time that some newfangled overly priced kitchen appliance comes out, we all kind of scoff at it. The kind of, "Look at the silly things that mass marketing campaigns can make convince people that they need!"
But, every time that anyone brings up on air fryer, several of us staunchly turn on our heels and exclaim that air fryers are actually worth it! They are the exception to all of the kitchen appliance hype.
I actually use my air fryer. I cook fish fries, French fries, and cheese curds. Really, I use it as a cross between a deep fryer, microwave, and toaster oven. I reheat pizza, toast bread, and warm up ketchup.

2. Food Processor
I use my air fryer like a cross between a microwave, deep fryer, and an oven. It might not be the best suited item for that, but it certainly is the most efficient appliance and gives the most bang for your buck. There are only two things that can rival my use of the air fryer and the next one is certainly my food processor.
Now, food processors are kind of a splurge item. A full-sized Cuisinart is going to run about $200. There are less expensive and more expensive options (I have an entire article on which one to buy depending on your needs, Top 5 Types of Food Processor & Which to Buy for You). I use food processors for everything from pulsing fruits and vegetables when I don't want to have to chop them (particularly tomatoes and spinach), puréing pumpkins and squash, making hummus, cheesecake, soup, and any number of dips, spreads, and purées.

3. Rice Cooker
The most practical kitchen appliance on this list is a rice cooker. They're obviously useful for rice. Although I tend to use rice cookers more for lentils and quinoa than anything else. They're also great for oatmeal, couscous, split pea, and any other grain or legume that don't require soaking before cooking.
Rice cookers are my go-to one pot meal dish. It's incredibly simple to add water and spices and go. They turn off automatically when the water simmers out of them and keep warm until you're ready to eat. This is similar crock pots and slow cookers. Although you have to set a particular time for these. Whereas rice cookers don't cook based on time, but moisture content. As long as you have the right ratio of liquid, rice cookers are by far the simplest way to cook!
Top Kitchen Appliances NOT Worth the Money
If you're wondering what not to buy? I also have an entire article on Top 5 Overrated Kitchen Gadgets NOT Worth Buying that are more fad than function. The number of entirely useless things that are just going to collect dust in the pantry or unreachable cabinet are vastly greater than there. But I do also have several articles on Top 5 Useful Kitchen Gadgets Under $30 and Top 10 Kitchen Essentials for Home Cooks.
I also have several other articles on things like, Top 10 Kitchen Essentials for Home Cooks and Top 5 Useful Kitchen Gadgets Under $30.
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