Burrito w/ Apple, Walnut Quinoa, & Runny Egg

Fall is in full swing and I've been craving fruit and nuts in absolutely everything. Maybe it's the thought of pie in the air? And probably a fair to do with growing up in apple country. But I consider fall a time for apples and walnuts and hefty doses of nutmeg. Which does make the entire house smell like apple pie, without all of the added sugar. Also, in this case, with a little bit more eggs. Hence, the apple walnut, and quinoa burrito with runny egg.

I've also been topping absolutely all of my burritos with avocado dip lately. It's a mix between hummus and guacamole. The variation that I have this week also has walnuts as the nut mixed in. So, it pairs incredibly well with today's burrito. I also tend to add copious amounts of hot sauce on top because I enjoy a sweet and savory aspect to most of my food.

But you can easily swap out any choice of sour cream, Greek yogurt, hummus, or guacamole. As well as to mix and match in your preferred hot sauce and heat level. I do this all of the time. There are a plethora of fun dips and sauces to eat on top of a burrito!


Variations of Quinoa Burrito

I am a big fan of quinoa. I put it in everything. It's not entirely out of place with quinoa, which is traditionally a Latin American food. So, having quinoa in a burrito isn't quite as out there as it first may seem! I greatly enjoy the slight bitterness and nuttiness to. it. It pairs perfectly with a nice, creamy, runny egg. Which is a combination that I do quite often and it's absolutely delectable every time!

Burrito w/ Apple, Walnut Quinoa & Runny Egg

Burrito w/ Apple, Walnut Quinoa & Runny Egg

This quinoa burrito combines apples, red chilis, tamari, apple cider vinegar, and walnuts with freshly made quinoa for a fun breakfast treat. The sweet and savory dish is balanced out by a dash of hot sauce and the heartiness of a runny egg. It's the perfect way to start the day on a nice, chilly fall day. It's hearty, but also light and refreshing, without being so much as to weigh you down in the morning. Truly one of my favorite breakfast dishes.
Cook Time 20 minutes
Total Time 20 minutes
Course Breakfast, Main Course
Cuisine American, Latin American, Mexican
Servings 1 serving


  • Skillet w/ Lid (Preferably Cast Iron)
  • Stovetop


Apple Quinoa

  • 1 apple diced
  • 2 red chilis fresh, diced
  • 1/4 yellow onion diced
  • 2 cloves garlic minced
  • dash salt
  • dash pepper
  • dash cumin
  • dash coriander
  • dash nutmeg
  • 1 ½ c. quinoa
  • 3 c. water
  • 1/8 c. tamari (or soy sauce)
  • 1/8 c. apple cider vinegar
  • 1/2 c. walnuts crushed

Avocado Dip

  • 6 avocados
  • 6 cloves garlic
  • 6 limes juiced
  • 1 ½ c. Greek yogurt
  • 2 c. walnuts
  • 1/4 c. olive oil
  • dash salt
  • dash pepper


  • 1/3 c. apple quinoa
  • 1 tortilla shell
  • splash water
  • 1 egg
  • dollop avocado dip (optional, omit or substitute sour cream)
  • dollop hot sauce (optional)


Prepare Ingredients

  • Cook Quinoa w/ Apples, Red Chilis, & Walnuts. This takes about an hour and requires a rice cooker or stove. You can also easily create a different flavor profile or utilize the produce that you have on hand. I almost always keep a batch of rice or quinoa in the fridge for exactly this purpose.
  • I also topped this burrito with Potluck Avocado Dip w/ Greek Yogurt & WalnutsThis is entirely optional. You can easily substitute sour cream, Greek yogurt, or omit entirely depending on personal preference. Although this avocado dip is my new favorite thing and I highly recommend giving it a try. It's kind of a mix between hummus and guacamole. And is absolutely delicious!

Cook Tortilla

  • Preheat the pan on medium-high. If you aren't using cast iron, make sure to lightly oil the pan to prevent sticking.
  • Wet both sides of the tortilla and add to the preheated pan. Cook for 4-6 minutes, or until the bottom begins to brown.
  • Remove the tortilla from heat and turn the stove off. Add toppings and fold the burrito. Wrap it slightly less tightly than you ordinarily would in order to leave room for the egg later on.
    We're also intentionally holding off on the egg! It will need to be cooked after the tortilla is prepared so that the egg doesn't completely set and remains runny.
  • Turn the stove back up to medium and add the tortilla to the skillet immediately, before it preheats. Cook for about 4 minutes, or until the bottom begins to brown. Rotate until all sides are cooked.
    The first side will likely take longer to cook than the subsequent sides, which may toast in as little as 2 minutes. Adjust the temperature if it's cooking too quickly and burning or too slowly and cracking.
  • Remove from heat and set aside. It's best to cover so that it doesn't cool off to quickly. But this isn't entirely necessary.

Cook Egg

  • Leave the skillet on medium heat and add oil.
    I use a pretty well seasoned cast iron pan to cook eggs, so I don't add any more than a spritz of oil. You may need upwards of a teaspoon for other types of pans, though. Use just enough so that your eggs don't stick!
  • Crack egg into the pan.
    It should be hot enough that the egg sizzles, but doesn't deep fry or brown immediately.
  • Let cook until golden brown on the bottom and you can flip the egg with ease. The whites should be fairly set on both sides, but not completely cooked.
    You want to cook this relatively quickly so that the egg yolk doesn't set, though. It should take about a minute or two. Turn the heat up if the egg whites don't cook quickly enough or down if the egg yolk starts to cook. Also immediately flip if this happens!
  • Flip and turn off the stove. Cook for another 30 seconds, or until the egg white is completely cooked. It should already be mostly set and this should take no time at all!

Complete Burrito

  • Carefully unwrap the burrito slightly and place the egg inside. Rewrap the burrito and squeeze slightly so that the egg begins to run.
    You don't have to break the yolk, but it will continue to cook inside of the warm burrito shell. So, if you don't, you might not get that runny egg! This will also be kind of messy and I recommend eating over a plate or wrapped in parchment paper or food storage wraps. I have a set of reusable beeswax wraps for this.
  • Top with avocado dip and hot sauce of choice. I like to use Greek yogurt because it's oftentimes healthier than sour cream and this new avocado dip that I'm obsessed with is fantastic. Omit or substitute dip of choice.
  • Serve immediately. Before the egg cooks!

Tips, Tricks, & Notes

  • For a more in-depth article on burritos, check out my article on The Fundamentals of Making Burritos. I highly suggest using cast iron and there is precise temperature that works best for cooking at that may vary slightly depending on your stovetop and type of skillet. If you're having trouble rolling the burrito without cracking, there are solutions for this as well!

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