This no-knead Dutch oven bread is an easy bread recipe. I have to be honest and say that baking isn't exactly my forte. But during Coronavirus, when everyone seems to be making gourmet bread, I can't help but try my hand at it! And this recipe actually is possible to make. If I can make it work, that's a good sign that you will be able to, too! A no-knead Dutch oven bread truly does seem to be, noot foolproof, but much, much easier than I was at first afraid of.
7g.brown sugar(or 2 tsp. granulated sugar, maple syrup, or honey)
570g.all-purpose flour(4 ¾ c.)
oilto grease bowl
Combine warm water, yeast, and sugar. Let rest for 15 minutes, or until the yeast begins to bubble.
Meanwhile, whisk together flour and salt in a large bowl.
After the yeast has proofed, stir yeast mixture into the flour. Mix until all of the ingredients are combined.In a mixer with a dough hook attachment, this only takes a minute or two. By hand, this takes about 5 minutes. It's a no-knead bread recipe, so you're not necessarily looking for soft and pliable dough. Really, you just want all of the ingredients to be mixed thoroughly at this point! Which does make it a great recipe to make by hand if you prefer or don't have a mixer.
Lightly grease another bowl and transfer the dough.You can use the same bowl and just clean out the dough and grease, but it's helpful to have a second bowl to be able to just transfer it!
Cover dough and let proof for 2 hours, or until doubled in size.
A half hour before the dough is through its proof, lightly grease the Dutch oven. Place it, with the lid on, in the oven and preheat to 450 degrees Fahrenheit.It's important to preheat the Dutch oven ahead of time in order to get it warm enough to cook the bread.
After 2 hours of proofing, lightly flour a surface and turn the dough out. Sprinkle with just enough flour to make it workable (a tablespoon or two) and fold the dough onto itself several times, until you've created a ball.If you're separating the dough to maker smaller loaves, do that at this time.
Carefully, and with oven mitts, remove the Dutch oven. Plop the ball of dough into the center of the Dutch oven.
Using oven mitts, place the lid back on and put the Dutch oven back into the oven. Bake for 40-45 minutes.Baking time for different sized loaves remains the same. This sounds counter-intuitive, but don't open up the Dutch oven to double check! The bread bakes in a similar amount of time regardless of loaf size because of the Dutch oven within an oven baking method. Smaller loaves may need less, or no, additional cook time after the lid is removed. But the initial bake time remains the same.
After 45 minutes in the oven, remove the lid from the Dutch oven and bake for another 15-20 minutes, or until the crust is crisp and golden brown.You should be able to tap on the dough and it sounds hollow.
After about an hour in the oven, carefully remove the Dutch oven and turn out the bread. Let rest until cool before slicing. This tends to take about 30-45 minutes.
Tips, Tricks, & Notes
You can use any kind of sugar that you want. The original recipe called for maple syrup or honey. But I'm honestly not as big a fan of those in bread! It goes great with butter and toast and I'm a huge fan in biscuits. But this isn't necessarily something that I'm always going for with every slice of bread.
If you don't want to predetermine the flavor profile, white granulated sugar is a great choice. I usually use brown sugar because I enjoy the richness of the molasses. But again, this is all personal preference! Sugar is necessary to feed the yeast and help the dough rise throughout hours of proofing. The particular sugar that you use in this recipe, though, is personal preference. Use whatever sugar you prefer or have on hand!