Scrambled Eggs w/ Black Beans, Rice, & Garden Tomatoes
Scrambled eggs are the quintessential breakfast meal! This recipe is particularly hearty and healthy with homemade Stovetop Black Beans and Brown Rice w/ Squash & Habaneros. Top with a little bit of garden fresh cherry tomatoes and a dash of salt and pepper for a delicious meal that will keep you full long past breakfast.
Cook Stovetop Black Beans. I like this recipe better than opening a can of refried beans or actually having to go through the process of frying them! This does require some forethought, though, and takes overnight to soak and. about 2 hours to cook the next day. It requires a large pot on the stove and a potato masher or food processor if you want to achieve the creamier texture.
Cook Brown Rice w/ Squash & Habaneros. This takes about an hour and requires a rice cooker or stove. You can also easily create a different flavor profile or utilize the produce that you have on hand. I almost always keep a batch of rice or quinoa in the fridge for exactly this purpose.
If you've cooked the rice and beans ahead of time and stored them in the refrigerator, either let them get to room temperature or heat slightly so that they aren't cold.
Scramble Eggs
Add oil to a skillet and preheat a over medium-high heat.I use a pretty well seasoned cast iron pan to cook eggs, so I don't add any more than a spritz of oil. You may need upwards of a teaspoon for other types of pans, though. Like with the potatoes, use just enough so that your eggs don't stick.
Crack eggs into a bowl and whisk until fluffy.
Add eggs to the pan. Move them around gently with a spatula, making sure that they cook evenly. Stirring more constantly will result in runnier eggs. Stirring less vigorously will result in thicker eggs, but you may need to flip them to cook evenly.
Continue to gently move the eggs around until barely cooked. This should only take a couple of minutes. Remove from heat when the eggs begin to form and are no longer runny.
Remove from heat immediately.
Assemble the Plate
Place black beans on the bottom of a plate. Add eggs. Top with rice and tomatoes. Sprinkle with a little bit of salt and pepper. Serve immediately.
Tips, Tricks, & Notes
Scrambled eggs are so fundamental that we often don't really think about it. But there truly is an art on how to scramble eggs! And there are some very easy pitfalls to fall into that are easily avoided. For tips and tricks, check out my article on The Fundamentals of How to Scramble Eggs.