13g.honey(or 1 tbsp. granulated sugar, maple syrup, or brown sugar)
450g.all-purpose flour(3½ c.)
30ml.olive oil(2 tbsp.)
6g.salt(1 tsp.)
Proof Dough
Combine warm water, yeast, and sugar. Let rest for 15 minutes, or until the yeast begins to bubble.
Meanwhile, whisk together whole wheat flour, all-purpose flour, and salt in a large bowl.
After the yeast has proofed, stir yeast mixture into the flour. Mix until roughly incorporated and the dough has a shaggy appearance.
Add in the olive oil and mix until all of the ingredients are combined.In a mixer with a dough hook attachment, this only takes a minute or two. By hand, this takes about 5 minutes. It's a no-knead bread recipe, so you're not necessarily looking for soft and pliable dough. Really, you just want all of the ingredients to be mixed thoroughly at this point! Which does make it a great recipe to make by hand if you prefer or don't have a mixer.
Cover dough and let proof for 6 hours, or until doubled in size.Alternatively, place in the refrigerator for 1-3 days.A quick pizza dough proof can be done in about 6 hours. Ideally, the dough is made 2 days ahead of time and proofed in the refrigerator for that time. However, I almost never know that I'm going to make pizza 2 days ahead of time! And 6 hours is perfectly adequate.
Cook Dough
Preheat the griddle (optional) in the oven to 550 degrees Fahrenheit for 45 minutes.
Divide the dough in half. Lightly flour a large, flat surface and roll out each dough until roughly 1/4 inch thick.I like to do this on a pizza peel because they're relatively large and mobile. Any cutting board or flat surface that is mobile helps. Otherwise, you can roll out the dough on your countertop, lightly flour a plate, and transport it that way.
Carefully pick up the dough and drop it onto the griddle.There is no great way to do this. If you have a pizza peel, you can tilt the peel at about a 30 degree angle and shimmy it slightly as you pull the peel out from under the dough. For anyone who's never done this before, it's easier said than done! And dough is not forgiving at this stage. If it doesn't slide onto the grill smoothly, you really only had one shot at it!So, I suggest getting both of your hands under the dough with your fingers outstretched, holding it in as much of a flat, round shape as possible. Letting it hover just above the grill and then gently, but swiftly, pulling both of your hands out to the right and left side at the same time.This sounds complicated, but you're really just doing your best to plop the dough evenly on the grill! You don't want it rolling under itself, stretching into oblong shapes, or slipping between the grates. Do whatever method helps you achieve this.
Cook until the dough just begins to rise. This takes about 3-5 minutes in the oven.